__ __ _ | \/ | ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ __| | | |\/| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \/ __| '_ \ / _` |/ __/ _ \/ _` | | | | | (_) | | | | (_) \__ \ |_) | (_| | (_| __/ (_| | |_|_ |_|\___/|_| |_|\___/|___/ .__/ \__,_|\___\___|\__,_| / _| ___ _ __ | |_ ___ |_| | |_ / _ \| '_ \| __/ __| | _| (_) | | | | |_\__ \ |_| \___/|_| |_|\__|___/ Almost all ASCII art is created and intended to be viewed in a monospaced, or fixed width font. Find your operating system/computer on the list below and find a font on your system that is on the list. Windows: FixedSys Courier New Courier Lucida Console Topaz New Monotype.com Terminal Lucida Sans Typewiter OCR A Extended OCRB Amiga: Topaz (In ROM) Courier (Supplied with WorkBench 2+) Pearl Siesta XEN (Comes with MagicWB) XCourier (Comes with MagicWB) ascii tiny AppleMac: Courier Monaco ZTerm If you can`t find any of the fonts on the list, please try looking at this in all fonts available: iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii| mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm| In a fixed width font, both of the | symbols should match in distance from the left side of the screen. If you find a common font that isn`t on the list, please email mart.atkins@bigfoot.com and tell me about it, along with what operating system/computer it is from. >-----------------------------------------------------< _____ _ |_ _|____ _| |_ | |/ _ \ \/ / __| | | __/> <| |_ _|_|\___/_/\_\\__| | ____|__| (_) |_ ___ _ __ ___ | _| / _` | | __/ _ \| '__/ __| | |__| (_| | | || (_) | | \__ \ |_____\__,_|_|\__\___/|_| |___/ A lot of ASCII art is made in a text editor - usually like a wordprocessor but without text formatting functions. Unix: vi pico emacs jed joe ed Windows95: Notepad (Comes with Windows!) EDIT.COM (Comes with windows!) MicroEMACS EditPad PFE UltraEdit (www.ultraedit.com) TextPad (www.textpad.com) Windows3: Notepad (Comes with Windows!) MicroEMACS PFE UltraEdit (www.ultraedit.com) MSDOS: EDIT.COM (Comes with DOS 5 and 6 - Type EDIT at command line) QEdit MicroEmacs GNU Emacs Amiga: Ed (On Workbench Disk - run 'Ed <filename>' in shell) MicroEMACS (Supplied with Workbench on Extras disk) Blacks Editor CygnusEd AZ NotePad (included with Workbench 1.2 and 1.3) AppleMac: Nisus SimpleText (included with MacOS) TeachText (included with MacOS) Saint Edit (shareware $10) BBEdit (commercial but free light version is available) Tex-Edit Plus (shareware) Linux: joe >-----------------------------------------------------< _ ____ ____ ___ ___ / \ / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _| _ _ _ _ _ / _ \ \___ \| | | | | | | | | | |_(_) |___ / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | | | | | | __| | / __| /_/ \_\____/ \____|___|___|| |_| | |_| | \__ \ --------------------------- \___/ \__|_|_|___/ Some utils to help with the creation of ASCIIArt: * FIGlet This great program makes ascii 'banners' from text - the titles in these lists are a good example. A few more examples: _____ ___ ____ _ _ | ___|_ _/ ___| | ___| |_ | |_ | | | _| |/ _ \ __| | _| | | |_| | | __/ |_ |_| |___\____|_|\___|\__| 88888888888 88 ,ad8888ba, 88 88 88 d8"' `"8b 88 ,d 88 88 d8' 88 88 88aaaaa 88 88 88 ,adPPYba, MM88MMM 88""""" 88 88 88888 88 a8P_____88 88 88 88 Y8, 88 88 8PP""""""" 88 88 88 Y8a. .a88 88 "8b, ,aa 88, 88 88 `"Y88888P" 88 `"Ybbd8"' "Y888 8"""" 8 8""""8 8 8 8 " e eeee eeeee 8eeee 8e 8e 8 8 8 88 88 88 ee 8e 8eee 8e 88 88 88 8 88 88 88 88 88 88eee8 88eee 88ee 88 Various fonts are availiable (.flf files) and there are versions of FIGlet for almost any operatinf system and computer type: http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/users/chai/figlet.html ftp://nicoh.com/pub/figlet/ There are also many online, web based versions of FIGlet available also, one of which is http://www.surfplaza.com/figlet/ If you are a DOS user, you can get a GUI for DOS FIGlet at: http://voices.vossnet.co.uk/a/atkins/fdg10.zip which should make the running of FigDOS easier. If required, I will email FigDos and the GUI in one zip file - just email mart.atkins@bigfoot.com and ask! * GIFscii GIFscii, and it`s variants, will take an image file (usually GIF) and convert it to an ascii picture. The results aren`t brilliant, but can serve as a good starting point for an ASCII picture Do a web search for one of these, as they are everywhere. Versions are available for a wide variety of operating systems and computer types. .- Sample output from BMP2ASC -----. | ;$XXHXXXXXXX+. | | :XXXHHHHHXHHHHXXX$. | | /XXXXHHHXXHHHHHHHXXXH/ | | /XXXXXHHH$HHHHHHHHHHHHH% | | .XXXXXXHHX$HHHHHHHHHHHHHH; | | ;XXXXXHX$XX$$$XHHHHHHHHXHX. | | .$XXXH%/;;;::::;/$HHHHHHHXX; | | =XXXHX//;;:::::;;/+HXHHHHHH$ | | /HXXH$//;;;;::::;;/$XHHHHHXX- | | %HXXH%/;;;;;;;;+$$%$XHHHHHHX/ | | XXXXHX$X$%+//+++;$%HXHHHHHHX$. | |.XXXXHX+/////://;///+$XHHH@HHHHH/.| |,X$XXHH%;;;;/;///;;;+$XHHH@HHHH@@@| |-X$XXH@H+/++/;/++;//%XHHHH@HHHH@@@| |=$$XXHHH@@%%$$%++++%$XXHHHHHXH@@@@| |=$$XXX$$@@@H%++++%%%$$XHXH@HH@@@@@| |=$XHXX%$@@@@@%+++%$%$$XXXHH$H@@@@@| |-+%XHHH@@@@@@@X+/+%$$$$$$%%/=$@@@@| | //XXXH@@@@@@@@@@@@X%%++///=--/H@@| | %XXHH@@@@@@@@@@@@X+;/;;=-,,,-$@| | =XHXHH@@@@@@@@@@@@X/,. ..-,..,,/| | $H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@XH;....,......| '------------------- for Windows! -' >-----------------------------------------------------< .-----------------------------------------. |Compiled by Martin Atkins with help from:| | * Veronica Karlsson | | * Jorn Barger | | * Colin Douthwaite | | * Randy Gardner | | * Ilmari Karonen | | * aardvarko | | * gumby | | * Valentin Valciu | | * Hayley Jane Wakenshaw | | * llizard | | * Sami Sihvonen | | * Doug Wilson | | * Brock Kevin Nambo | | * Cipher | '-----------------------------------------' >------------- Last Updated 13-04-98 -----------------< :) -- Martin Atkins If you have anything to add, or think I have made an error, please email mart.atkins@bigfoot.com >-----------------------------------------------------< |